Z-Fest XI (2020) Winners

So many great films, but someone has to win!  Great work everyone, you should be really proud!!

The Top Eleven Films

First Place – Team 5 – A Very Merry Eggstravaganza!

Second Place – Team 33 – Sugar Blasters

Third Place – Team 48 – Away We Go

Fourth Place – Team 64 – The Nest

Fifth Place – Team 55 – One Minnesota

Sixth Place – Team 15 – The Last Station

Seventh Place – Team 11 – Blind Date

Eighth Place – Team 61 – A New Market

Ninth Place – Team 7 – What Are We?

Tenth Place – Team 27 – Lucid

Eleventh Place – Team 11 – Bathroom Break

Best Actress – Team 24 – The Tour – Maggie Mae Sulentic

Best Actor – Team 48 – Away We Go – Matt Bailey

Best Supporting Actress – Team 54 – Potluck – Perssis Meshkat

Best Supporting Actor – Team 33 – Sugar Blasters – Joe Cocozzello

Best Youth Actor – Team 11 – Blind Date – Nadav Jackson

Best Youth Actress – TIE – Team 16 – Ruby – Sally-Anne Hunt / Team 20 – Tribulations – Jocelyn Sanchez

Best Credits – Team 39 – Rob The Incompetent

Best Costume – Team 33 – Sugar Blasters

Best Kiss – Team 48 – Away We Go

Best Visual Effects – Team 5 – A Very Merry Eggstravaganza!

Best Hero – Team 16 – Ruby

Best Villain – Team 5 – A Very Merry Eggstravaganza!

Best Fight Scene – Team 38 – BUSTED!

Best WTF Moment – Team 5 – A Very Merry Eggstravaganza!

Best Prop – Team 55 – One Minnesota

Best High School Team – Team 62 – Finding Ruth – Arabella Root PIM Arts High School

Best University Level Team – Team 39 – Rob The Incompetent – Maxwell Kilsdonk IPR

Best Cinematography – Team 15 – The Last Station – Tim Schrader

Best LightingTeam 48 – Away We Go

Best Colorist – Team 15 – The Last Station – Tim Schrader

Best Orchestrated Score – Team 15 – The Last Station

Best Original Music – TIE – Team 48 – Away We Go / Team 63 – Hella

Best Audio/Sound Design – Team 5 – A Very Merry Eggstravaganza!

Best Production Design – Team 33 – Sugar Blasters

Best Makeup – TIE – Team 22 – Dream Killer / Team 25 – The Night Whisperer

Best Screenplay/Writing – Team 30 – The Washing Machine / Lorena Padilla & Naomi Bray

Louie Anderson Favorite – Team 33 – Sugar Blasters

BENT Shout Out Winner – Team 1 – Misplaced Trust

Honorable Mention – Team 29 – Club City

Best Anthropomorphic Character – Team 61 – A New Market

Best Editing – Team 5 – A Very Merry Eggstravaganza!

Best Overall Acting/Cast – Team 48 – Away We Go

Best Directing – Team 33 – Sugar Blasters


Audience Favorites

Session One – Team 25 – The Night Whisperer

Session Two – Team 27 – Lucid

Session Three – Team 10 – Save Me A Spot

Session Four – Team 33 Sugar Blasters

Session Five – Team 16 – Ruby

Session Six – Team 44 – Still

Trailer Contest Winners

First Place – The Night Whisperer

Second Place – Club City

Third Place – These Imperfect Gifts

Genre Winners

Comedy – Sugar Blasters

Drama – Away We Go

Suspense/Horror/Adventure – Ruby

Specialty – A Very Merry Eggstravaganza!

Fantasy/Sci-Fi – Dream Killer

Documentary – Smart Mouth

Best Poster

Team 55 – One Minnesota