TV Pilot

This year we are attempting to do something quite remarkable. We are requesting that you to shoot BTS (Behind The Scenes) footage of your filmmaking process. We know this is asking a lot, but if we get enough footage we can edit a Docu-Drama-Contest style TV pilot to pitch to the ever growing list of networks. If the series gets picked up it could possibly boost your career and also help put Minnesota on the map as a hotbed of up and coming filmmakers.

So here’s how it works. You shoot 10-15 min of footage at each stage of the process and upload the footage here for us to compile later. We will edit these all together with all the other teams into a single episode focused on each topic. Please send us footage of: Exciting moments, Conflict, Hardships and Obstacles, Wins and Success moments, Drama or Tension (like making deadlines), and of course all things interesting, new, or different.

Take a look at each episode description and you will understand the focus of that episode. This process is optional but we hope you participate. If you decide not to participate this will not affect the judging in any way. But remember if other teams participate and you end up making the “Best of Fest” there will be no footage for us to include. Making your winning effort appear like it wasn’t part of the show. Again this is a pilot project with no guarantees of air time. We hope you help us make this a new part of Z-Fest. If successful, next year we could possibly have actual TV crews following you around to film your next amazing project.

Remind everyone you film do a quick intro like “Hey I’m Steve from Team 41, Pumpkin Productions, and I’m the Composer” … Etc

Episode 1: Meet the Teams

In this episode… We want to focus on meeting the members of your team remember to mention your team name and let cast and crew briefly describe their roles and special talents. Always think “sound bites” and tell your cast to keep things brief and interesting. Team Leaders also remember to focus on yourself a bit each episode, as we may want to grab some testimonials or pickup shots as we edit this together.

Episode 2: The Writing Room

In this episode… We want to focus on the writers and the writing process. Have the writers describe how they get started, how they find inspiration, their “process”, and how they feel about working in the confines of a 7 min short film contest.

Episode 3: Holding Auditions

In this episode… We want to focus on how you cast your short film. Do you have cattle calls or just try and snatch up the best actors in town. Or are you an actor writing a piece to showcase your talent? Tell us how you find your non union people to act (for free sometimes) in your short. Do you use SAG/AFTRA? Do you bring your family into the show? How are you getting your talent and who is your talent? Please introduce them to us.

Episode 4: Finding a Location

In this episode… We want to focus on how you scout locations. How did you get that bar owner to let you use his place of business? Do you have to work around real customers, or do you get the location after hours? Are you shooting in your moms basement and how does she feel about that? Are you shooting in -20 degree weather and how do you prepare for that? Why did you choose your locations. Tell us everything about the place you are shooting, why and how… team leaders remember to get in front of the camera on these also as you are the driving force behind the film.

Episode 5: Day of the Shoot

In this episode… We want to focus on the actual shoot day. Did you start super early? Did everyone show up on time or even at all? Capture some amazing shots of your actors performing their craft. Get action shots, out takes, actors stressing, and actors chilling. This is the episode where THEY get to show off.

Episode 6: The Editing Room

In this episode… We want to focus on the Edit and the editing process don’t worry about VFX and Color etc there is a whole episode dedicated to that. Are you in a plush edit suite? Are you editing on a laptop in the back seat of your car? Show us your process! Whats important to you during the edit? How do you make the hard choices and what hits the cutting room floor and why?

Episode 7: Post Production

In this episode… We want to focus on Visual Effects and Color Correction and any special post production process you use. Rotoscoping, green screen, you name it! Show us the things you do to make your film special and look amazing. Remind your VFX artist and color correctors to think sound bites also. The don’t need to get deep in the weeds, remember this show is for inspiring film makers and non filmmakers alike. Its a competition show like “Face Off” but you are all filming it yourselves like the “Alone” series. The cooler the stuff you bring us the better.

Episode 8: Scoring and Mixing

In this episode… We want to focus on mostly scoring and mixing your film. But if you used a stock music library, you should focus on how you captured the audio during the shoot, or your sound design process. Interview your composer, sound designer, or Boom opperator and Mixer, show us their process and inspiration.

Episode 9: The Screenings

In this episode… We want to focus on your BIG SCREEN screening! How did your film go over? Did the audience react the way you expected? Film on your phone even! Give your immediate reaction to the experience. Express all your feeling from anticipation, anxiousness, elation, or even disappointment. Make this real, film at the event (not inside the theater of course) but dip out, or better yet record it after the screening. How did your big night go?

Episode 10: The Awards

In this episode… We want to focus on the Awards Ceremony and your teams anticipation. Even if you didn’t make top 10 you can still attend and toss us some awesome sound bites about how you feel about your fellow filmmakers or your feeling about not making it. Sometimes a great film only misses top ten by a very small percentage. If you made it? What do you expect to win? How do you think you stacked up against the competition? And in the lucky event you win something be sure to express your full excitement to the camera. These clips will almost certainly make it into the pilot episode.

We want to thank you in advance for all your hard work and dedication to this festival! YOU the filmmakers make it AWESOME! Also if anyone is interested in helping with the edit for this massive undertaking please let us know. Now go kick some butt and make a great film!